RA’s Focus Shouldn’t Be Solely on Hiring an Australian Coach

In 2022, I stated that the worst decision Rugby Australia could make for the Wallabies in 2023 would be to hire Eddie Jones. My rationale was that this could lead to a number of negative outcomes, including the eclipse of methodology by pet projects, assistants leaving, and certain players being immune from selection. I also pointed out that Jones had a penalty-rich style and made too much of the show about himself.

I suggested that instead of hiring Jones, Rugby Australia should look for a head coach who embraces hard lessons from defeat, builds redundancy, and is not based on favoritism. I also emphasized the importance of having a low penalty philosophy and building a team around a humble leader.

I also discussed the potential for success for the Wallabies, highlighting the need for depth of quality and clarity of purpose in the tight five. I argued that Australia has the potential for success, given its strong sporting business climate and deeply embedded rugby culture.

I advocated for the consideration of non-Australian coaches, stating that nationality should not be a barrier to hiring the best candidate for the job. I suggested candidates like Dan McKellar and Laurie Fisher, as well as the possibility of bringing in foreign coaches to lead the team.

Overall, I emphasized the need for Rugby Australia to define the traits they want in a coach and be brave in their selection, focusing on finding a leader who knows how to build a successful team and is honest with players and the media.